Bayside Community Church

Tampa, FL
Where The Word Is Heard!


Upcoming Week In-person (also Live-streamed), and Scheduled broadcasts

3/23 – Dr. Stephen Bramer, B.A., B.Th., M.Div., Th.M., Ph.D.
Department Chair and Senior Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary. He also serves as a Teaching Pastor at Waterbrook Bible Fellowship in Wylie, Texas. He leads tours yearly to Israel and teaches most years at the Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary to young Christian Arabs headed into ministry, as well as at Word of Life Bible School in Hungary. His commentary on Genesis is available in both English and Korean.

3-minute preview  of these upcoming messages.

– 10:00 Jude — Part 1,     (Jude 1-16)
– 11:00 Jude — Part 2,     (Jude 17-25)

Click HERE  to watch this Live Sunday Broadcast (10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. ET)

Schedule of UPCOMING Speakers  and events

Recent Live Stream Recordings

On-demand live-streamed recordings

Watch this week's full live-streamed services on-demand below.

[Full Livestream Recording]

3/16 – Dr. Jobe Martin, D.M.D., Th.M.
President of Biblical Discipleship Ministries, an outreach to churches, seminaries, and business professionals. Formerly Dean of Students and Director of Summer Staff at Summit Ministries, author of The Evolution of a Creationist, and a conference speaker on various topics including Creation vs. Evolution, Discipleship, and Biblical Prophecy.
 – Dr. Paul Wilkinson, B.Sc., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Bible teacher, researcher, Bible Prophecy speaker, and author. His latest book is ISRAEL — The Inheritance of God. He has studied at Yad Vashem in the International School of Holocaust Studies in Jerusalem

2-minute preview  of these live-streamed messages.

– 10:00 (Dr. Paul Wilkinson) Israel According to God's Heart
– 11:00 (Dr. Jobe Martin) The Connection Between Spiritual Vibrancy in the Body of Christ and Understanding the Heart for Israel

[Message Only Previous Livestream Recordings]

3/9 – Tom Doyle
Founder and President of Uncharted Ministries, former Vice President Church and Ministries Partners of e3 Partners serving as the Middle Eastern branch director. A former pastor, he is a licensed tour guide for the State of Israel leading tours there since 1995. He speaks frequently at churches and para-church ministries about Israel, the Middle East and the global threat of Islam. He is the author of Two Nations Under God  and Breakthrough — The Return of Hope to the Middle East.

2-minute preview  of these live-streamed messages.

– 10:00 The New Middle East is Unrecognizable
– 11:00 The Value of Light Momentary Affliction,     (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

3/2 – Chaplain (Major General) Cecil Richardson, B.A., M.Div., retired.
As Air Force Chief of Chaplains, he was responsible for leading a corps of 2,000 chaplains and chaplain assistants, and was senior pastor for more than 800,000 active-duty, Guard, Reserve, and civilian forces serving in the United States and overseas. He also served as the Chairman of the Armed Forces Chaplains Board, where he advised the Secretary of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff on religious, ethical and quality-of-life concerns. He has been awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, the National Defense Service Medal, and the Air Force Longevity Service Award Ribbon.

2-minute preview  of these live-streamed messages.

– 10:00 The Paradoxes of Christianity,     (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)
– 11:00 Don't Worry about Tomorrow,     (Matthew 6:24-34)

Archived and Other On-Demand Recordings

On-demand recordings

If you missed a Live, Scheduled, or Featured On-demand Broadcast, or if you would like to watch it again, most of them will be archived and available on-demand HERE to view whenever you like. These include archives of previous Sunday Services, Bayside Moments, Scheduled Broadcasts, Bible Studies, and other on-demand recordings.

Visit our On-Demand Recordings Playlists!

Check out our BCCTampa YouTube channel!

Margaret Riedel's Bible Study recordings are also available on iTunes and Spotify

10 a.m. Sunday School Hour – 11 a.m. Morning Worship Service
We are located at 3333 Bayshore Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33629
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